Effect of Ifosfamide on corneal genetic material and the role of lecithin and quercetin

Document Type : Research Article


1 Research Institute of Ophthalmology

2 Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science, Cairo, Egypt


The present study aimed to investigate the possible roles of lecithin and quercetin either singly or combined against Ifosfamide-induced DNA damage in corneas. Healthy female Rattus norvegicus rats weighing 180 ±10 gwere divided into seven groups eachcomprised of ten rats. Group I served as control and intraperitoneally injected with 0.25 mlof physiological saline (0.9% NaCl)for 5 days. Groups II and III wereorally administered lecithin at a dose of100 mg/kg body weight or quercetin at a dose of 50 mg/kgbody weight suspended indistilled water, respectively for six days; whereasgroup IV was used as positive control and intraperitoneally injected with Ifosfamide at a dose of 80mg/kg body weight for five days.Groups V and VI were injected with either quercetin orlecithin along with Ifosfamide by the same treatmentregimens, respectively. Group VII received a combination of both protective agents alongwith Ifosfamide and treated similarly. Corneas from all groups were used for comet assay.
Results: The lecithin and quercetin treated groups were characterized by normal comet parameters compared to control. After Ifosfamide injection, all comet parameters were significantly increased (p˂0.05). No changes in comet parameters were observed for lecithin-Ifosfamide treated group as well as for quercetin-Ifosfamide one. Co-administration of lecithin and quercetin indicate significant increase (p˂0.05) in all comet parameters (group VII). All together led to conclude that Ifosfamide causes DNA damage of rat cornea due to its oxidative stress and, co-administration of lecithin and quercetin was contradicting each other while using these antioxidants separately has beneficial effects on corneal genetic material.
